Your journey to healing starts here

Life can break our hearts in many ways, big and small:

  1. Losing someone we love, whether through death, a fight, or a breakup, can leave a big empty space in our lives.
  2. Not reaching our goals or making mistakes can make us feel down on ourselves.
  3. Someone breaking our trust, like a friend or family member lying, can make us feel alone and confused.
  4. Life’s surprises, like sickness, losing a job, or big events in the world, can make us feel scared and unsure of what’s next.

Remember, even though these things hurt, they can also help us learn and grow stronger.


Your Journey to Your Desired Confident Life

This space is dedicated to women navigating the emotional rollercoaster of confidence, relationships and life's ups and downs
Here you'll find:

1. 1 -to-1 Coaching: Empowerment and mindset coaching to help you build your confidence and self-esteem to support your healing
2. Mindset courses to support you to reframe and renew, overcome beliefs that limit and self-doubt
3. Support to help you gain the self-assurance to lead boldly and assert your worth
4. Community forum: Connect with other women going through similar experiences and offer each other support and encouragement.
5. Self-care tips: Discover techniques like mindfulness, journaling, and creative expression to help you process your emotions and rebuild your strength.

Your Journey to Your Desired Confident Life

How My Life Coaching and Mindset Empowerement Can Help You Bounce Back

At Sasa Evans Coaching, we offer personalized life coaching sessions tailored to your needs to empower you to be your best. Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence, heal heartbreak, build self-esteem, improve your leadership skills, or overcome workplace challenges, I'm here to support you every step of the way with our unique life coaching programs.

I Want

Life Coaching (RISE Program)

This personalized oaching program is designed to help you to achieve meaningful goals and find purpose and fulfilment

Learn More
I Want

Confidence Coaching

This type of coaching helps you build confidence, increase self-esteem and overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt.

Unlock Your Potential: Build Rock-Solid Confidence from the Inside Out

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I Want

Balanced Mind, Body & Soul

Experience the power of a balanced body, mind and soul with the holistic mind, body and soul program.

Tap into the healing powers of a combination of the holistic modalities.

Get Started

Coaching for Heartbreak healing

Coaching for healing heartberak helps you renew you after chalenges in life. Create focus, goals resilince and renew your life for the better

Confidence coach Sasa taking a call
It begins with a Chat

Clarity Call

Ge access to a 45 minute complementary call with Sasa. Begin your healing and confidence journey today


Loved and Trusted by My Clients

Read what my clients are saying whom I've helped to make a difference in their life to reframe their thoughts build confidence and build self-esteem

As Featured In ….

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